San Pablo Colleges Medical Center offers the services of a Certified Lymphedema Therapist or CLT. CLT’s are therapists that had training on Manual Lymphatic Drainage, indications and contraindications, anatomy and physiology, and pathophysiology of the condition. They are certified by a School of Lymphatics, usually in Europe and North America.

Lymphedema is a condition where in the Lymphatic System is compromised or disrupted. In Tagalog it is known as “MANAS”. Because of the disruption in Lymphatic flow, patients develop swelling in their arms or legs. Swelling can also develop in the face, neck, trunk or genitals.
The abnormal accumulation of protein rich fluid in the tissues attracts even more fluid making the condition even worst. Since these fluids are not taken up by the Lymph nodes to return to the Venous circulation, Patients are diagnosed with Lymphedema with Stages. Manifestations include Swelling, restricted movement in the affected limb, hardening of the skin and tissues, pain, redness.
This is a lifelong condition, it has no cure but it can be managed by COMBINED DECONGESTIVE LYMPHEDEMA THERAPY. It is composed of 4 vital therapies:
- Manual Lymph Drainage.
- Multi-layer Bandaging
- Skin Care and
- Lymphatic Exercises.
CDT is the gold standard in Lymphedema Management, it is being practiced in Europe, North America, Australia and some parts of Asia.
2 Classifications of Lymphedema
1. Primary Lymphedema:
a condition where there is a faulty Lymphatic System, it could start at birth or later on in life.
2. Secondary Lymphedema:
This is usually caused by Lymph Node dissection in Cancer surgery, Radiation therapy, Trauma, infection, chronic venous insufficiency or any damage to the Lymph nodes or lymphatic vessels. Pediatric patients also develop Congenital Lymphedema.
The Effects of Lymphedema
- include restriction of movement in daily activities.
- affected areas are prone to infection.
- jewelry and other usual clothing don’t fit anymore.
The psychological impact on patients is also a main concern, they usually have a rough time repeatedly explaining to peers why one of their arms or legs is bigger than the other.
San Pablo Colleges Medical Center is the 1st to provide LYMPHEDEMA MANAGEMENT THERAPY in Southern Luzon. Our Certified Lymphedema Therapist had undergone intensive training on Combined Decongestive Therapy by the Original Dr. Vodder School International in Dallas, Texas USA.
For further inquires you can call SPCMC hotline or email Mr. Francis M. Ciabal,CLT