As a patient of San Pablo Colleges Medical Center, we would like you to be aware
of your RIGHTS and RESPONSIBILITIES consistent with the law.
- Right to considerate and respectful care.
- Right to choose freely and change his Physician and hospital or health service institution.
- Right to refuse treatment to the extent permitted by law and to be informed of the medical consequences of his action.
- Right to obtain from his physician complete, current information concerning his diagnosis, treatment and prognosis in terms that patient can reasonably expected to understand.
- Right to receive from his Physician an information necessary to give informed consent prior to start of any procedure or treatment. Where medically significant and whenever alternatives for care treatment exist or when patient requests for information concerning medical alternatives, the patient has the right to such information.
- Right to every consideration of his privacy concerning his own medical care program and to expect that all communications and records, which pertain to his care, should be treated as confidential.
- Right to health education that will assist him in making informed choices about personal health and about available health services which includes information about healthy lifestyles and about method of prevention and early detection of illnesses.
- Right to religious assistance.
- Right to be informed of the hospital charges for services and available payment methods.
- Respect the rights of other patients and must conduct himself in a manner that will not disrupt nor interfere with the safety of care to other patients/persons.
- The patient is responsible in following the treatment plan which he agreed upon.
- The patient is responsible to know and understand the consequences of refusing treatment or medical care plan.
- The patient must provide complete, truthful and accurate information such as past illnesses, medication taken, advance directives and other health care related matters.
- The patient should know, understand and adhere to hospital rules and regulations.
- The patient is responsible for ensuring that financial obligations of his health care are fulfilled as promptly as possible.